King Monty

The 15th century, somewhere deep in the jungles of Central America. Seated on a mountain, with a view of his Kingdom, we find Montezuma — Monty for his friends — King of the Aztecs and unofficial Emperor of chocolate.

Meet conquistador Cortes, a man with grand plans of conquest. He was that impressed by the nectar that he decided to take the colorful beans home, across the ocean to Spain. But his countrymen, sweet tooths as they were, found nothing in the bitter broth. They added vanilla and sugar, left the strong herbs for what they were et voilà: du chocolat!

About half a dozen centuries later the search for the best chocolate has not yet come to an end. Or has it? In his laboratory located in the heart of Ghent doctor Van Laethem has been experimenting with gourmet chocolate for years. The apex for a doctor with chocolatier-aspirations? The creation of a chocolate bar where you sink your teeth into without having to feel guilty. Filled with love and the best of cocoa, minus the problems that lactose intolerance or gluten allergies involve. Divine!


At King Monty we’re committed to making 100% natural, vegan chocolate. Three important aspects are essential to us:

Mother Nature

Creating mouth-watering chocolate is our ultimate goal, but only if we can minimise the impact on mother nature. We have just one planet and we have to cherish it. With this in mind, our principles are firmly based on sustainability and ecological awareness. It’s the least we can do for our planet!